Re: HTML5 differences from HTML4 editor's draft

2007/6/24, Lachlan Hunt <>:
> Johannes Lichtenberger wrote:
> >>
> >
> > I don't really understand what "The a element without an href attribute now
> > represents a "placeholder link"." means, I can't really imagine what a
> > placeholder link should be or what it's used for.
> It just means that it's where a link would ordinarily be, but currently
> isn't.  For example:
> <menu>
>    <li><a href="/">Home</a>
>    <li><a>Products</a>
>    <li><a href="/services">Services</a>
>    <li><a href="/about">About</a>
> </menu>
> In this example, Products is a place holder link to the current page.
> It's a way keep the menu the same, without actually linking to the
> current page.
> One advantage is that allows to you easily style it differently from the
> other links, to indicate that it is the current page, without requiring
> an additional class.  e.g.
> menu a { /* Styles for current page */ }
> menu a:link { /* Styles for other links */ }

So a placeholder link isn't really a link?
Then why use the term link?


Received on Sunday, 24 June 2007 17:15:58 UTC