Re: About dropping the style attribute

Also sprach Craig Francis:

 > On 23 Jun 2007, at 23:25, Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo wrote:
 > > I've realized now that the current spec drops the style attribute for
 > > all elements except for the <font>, but I can't understand the
 > > reasoning behind those decisions.

 > Personally I would prefer that we ditched the <font> tag before we  
 > lost the @style attribute...

I agree. The 'style' attribute is quite handy sometimes. E.g., when you
have that one-off element or when you're writing test documents. Also,
it keeps the separation between style and structure; by filtering out
everything called "style" your structure and content remains. 

The style element, when scoped to its parent, will be able to do this
-- and more -- but it is more verbose.

Finally, there's much content out there that uses the 'style'
attribute and the cost of keeping it is lower than the cost of
removing it.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 24 June 2007 09:15:50 UTC