Re: Why HTML should be taught as HTML without pretending it is XML

On 7/18/07 3:54 AM, "Henri Sivonen" <> wrote:

> On Jul 18, 2007, at 06:20, Karl Dubost wrote:
>> - for Professional to have a strict way of authoring which
>> benefits the industry
> ...
>> If Web designers say, we will come up with an HTML 5 profile that
>> we consider needed for our activity, it can perfectly become an
>> "HTML 5 profile for Web pro" specification for this market.
> I'm curious, though, what the actual benefit would be for the
> industry. It isn't nice to (implicitly) ask people to jump through
> additional hoops in order to be considered a "Web pro" if those
> additional hoops don't have a technical effect.

Part of this recent surge of public interest in css and web standards is due
to certain "web pro's" making a name for them self and actually becoming a
little bit "famous" and then everyone followed their lead. Listening to what
_they_ had to say about web standards and _then_ discovering and
understanding the w3c. Visit some of these people's sites. Many are in xhmlt
(although there are plenty of reasons to not be using xhtml) and the
majority of them explicitly close _every_ tag on their pages.
(I haven't actually checked myself but my gut feeling is that I'm right :)

It just feels like the right way to do it to me. The "pro" way of doing it.
The "don't cut corners you lazy bastard" way of doing it.

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Received on Thursday, 19 July 2007 21:48:24 UTC