Re: HTML Extensibility Through Script

On 7/10/07, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
> Hi, Andrew-
> This seems to have drifted off-topic rather quickly... To refocus, I
> wasn't asking for a way to sniff browser strings, which is a brittle way
> to determine the featureset of the UA.  I intended this thread to
> discuss the possibility of conditional operators, either through a
> script API or (preferably) via a declarative markup or featurestring.

Is there a use case that isn't covered by DOMImplementation.hasFeature()?

For example, is there a UA that would render MathML, and support scripting,
but not respond correctly to .hasFeature("org.w3c.dom.mathml", null); ?

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> What are the use cases for loading JS through CSS?  That strike me, at
> least superficially, as a bad design.

Well, there is XBL, which is a viable method of using a script to add
support for a foreign namespace.  But I guess that's not what you're asking.

And I guess in the case of conditionally binding an element with XBL, you'd
use scripting to do the binding instead of CSS.

Jon Barnett

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 02:04:09 UTC