Re: Un-subscribe from public-html without leaving HTMLWG?

On 7/1/07, Karl Dubost <> wrote:
> I'm willing to ask the system team, but first I need to clarify the
> incentive to stay on the WG if not participating? People are not
> forced to be on the HTML WG to follow the discussions.

I think the idea is to just turn off email notification, not unsubscribe.

With forums,  you don't have to rely on email notification. You can
just check the thread in your browser and respond if want. Turning off
email notification doesn't require you to unsubscribe from the forum.

With this group, you should be able to do the same thing. You should
be able to turn off email notification, check the archives in your
browser and respond when you want (plus fill out surveys etc. when you

The bonus of doing it this way is that you don't have to manage the
mail. You just rely on the archives.

Now, one can argue that you should use an email client that can handle
the mail in a nice way and one can argue that just using the archive
is not a good way to participate. However, that's not for us to
decide. It's up to the individual. If one wants to rely on the
archive, we should just say "O.K." and provide the option *if

A "Turn off email notifications. I will rely on the archives." option,
would probably do it.

Is that option hiding around somewhere?


Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2007 04:35:49 UTC