Re: DogFood (and inline/block constraints)

I agree with Alex.  <blockquote> would be used for larger quotes from a 
reference.  <q> should be used for short quotes, usually for people. 

I think they are different on the web just as they are on in print (MLA 
and APA define inline and block-level quotes differently).  In print a 
blockquote would refer to text separated from the rest of the document by 
an indentation of the entire quote while inline quotes simply get 
quotation marks (unrelated note: XHTML 2.0 proposes removing them, not 
that such fact reflects what we are doing in the HTML working group). 

I think the biggest difference is that  <blockquote> is an element meant 
to contain quotations that are themselves block level while <q> isn't 
meant to contain block level elements.

I'd believe the following examples are proper use: 

<p>Martin Luther King once said <q> I have a dream </q>.</p>

<p>Martin Luther King's famous speech concluded with the famous lines 
</p><blockquote><p> Let freedom ring,</p>
<p>And when this happens,and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it 
ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, 
we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men 
and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able 
to join hands and sing in the words of the old negro spiritual, "Free at 
last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last." 

Wesley A. Upchurch
SEMCO Incorporated, A Fläkt Woods Company

Phone: +1 - 573 - 886 - 5456
SEMCO Website:
Fläkt Woods Website:

Alex Robinson <> 
Sent by:
12/13/2007 12:27 PM

David Carlisle <>,
Re: DogFood (and inline/block constraints)

>                <p>The subject of this paragraph is <q>horses that 
rock</q> where
>horses are black things with four legs.</p>
>is structurally the same as
>                <p>The subject of this paragraph is <blockquote>horses 
>rock</blockquote> where
>horses are black things with four legs.</p>
>and should be marked up the same way, it's just a stylistic choice to
>display large quotations.

How is it a stylistic choice? q is for inline quotes. blockquote is 
for block level quotes. The clue as far as I can see is in the name. 
Or are you really saying that you want to be able to do

                 <p>The subject of this paragraph is <blockquote><h1>I'm 
inline blockquote about horses</h1><p>horses that 
rock</p></blockquote> where horses are black things with four 

Or are you saying that blockquotes should not have to contain block 
level container elements? And if not, what purpose does q serve?

Personally I think they are not the same structually and that your 
use of blockquote instead of q is a misuse of the element resulting 
in a fallacious example.

Received on Tuesday, 18 December 2007 14:00:28 UTC