Re: DogFood (and inline/block constraints)

On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:03:19 +0100, David Carlisle <>  

>>    1. text/html is not able to express blocks in Ps.
> [...]
> Although to be honest I don't understand it, how can you add any new
> features if the parser is fixed?

(Do you mean if the parser isn't fixed?)

Making changes to the HTML parser is very risky for browser vendors. Even  
seemingly innocent changes like e.g. not dropping whitespace before <head>  
[1] can break sites. Making blocks not close Ps is not only risky, it is  
pretty much guaranteed to break many sites.

As for new features; new features generally don't require much (or any)  
changes to the parser, and furthermore new features don't suffer from  
legacy content depending on a specific behavior.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 16:31:17 UTC