Re: DogFood, take 2

On Dec 13, 2007, at 05:54, Ben 'Cerbera' Millard wrote:

> <acronym title> seems fine to me.
> * UAs already support <acronym title>.
> * Replacing every <acronym title> on the web with <abbr title> would  
> probably cost a lot of money.

Fortunately, HTML5 does not require changes to legacy content that is  
left as-is. Unfortunately, this is indeed an issue for aggregating  
markup from different sources some of which live in the legacy.

However, to the extent such aggregator has to remove <font>, it could  
replace acronym with abbr. Is that sillier than removing <font>?

The main benefit of making <acronym> non-conforming is saving people a  
lot of time in the future by eliminating the permathread about what  
should be marked up as <abbr> and what as <acronym>.

> * Allow <u> anywhere similar elements are allowed (such as <i> and  
> <b>). Underlined text may be useful in other situations.

Agreed. (Moreover, the use cases for <m> could probably be achieved  
satisfactorily with <u class='m'> provided that the spec standardizes  
the UA style for <u> so that it is unambiguous how one might undo the  
default styling.)

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 08:44:38 UTC