WF2 2.13. Adding type attribute for the output element (Part of detailed review of WF2)


Currently, the author cannot control the presentation of the value of
the output control. I propose that @type attribute is added to the
output element. This way e.g., the different date types would start to
make sense when using a screen reader (they would be read aloud using
the users locale settings). For instance, in XForms, the presentation of
the output element is depending on the type of the underlying data item.
The type attribute for output element would be restricted to the list of
type extensions in 2.4.

Another approach would be to use the @for attribute to derive the type,
but that would restrict the usage of typed outputs into elements, which
have a corresponding input element.

Best Regards,
   Mikko Honkala, Nokia Research Center

Received on Friday, 31 August 2007 13:06:51 UTC