Re[5]: <pages> <page>...<page> </pages>

Good day, Charles.

CM> Attached.

(1) Your way has no names 'A', 'B', 'C' of bookmarks,

which are necessary for __arbitrarily switching__


|  AAA  |  BBB  |  CCC  |

|--------       --------|

|                       |

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|                       |


(2) Your way does not allow embedded (enclosed) bookmarks like below

[this is real example in my practice]


|  AAA  |  BBB  |  CCC  |

|--------       --------|

|                       |

|   ________________    |

|   | DD | EE | FF |    |

|   |----------    |    |

|   |              |    |

|   |  <input>     |    |

|   |              |    |

|   ----------------    |

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So, i make conclusion,

that only name unites opera's projection and my bookmarks,

and they are absolutely different things essentially.


CM> If you view with Opera in full-screen mode, the projection media

CM> applies, and is paged.

(1) Non-full-screen mode can't make the same.

(1.1) Does 'Opera Software' plan to append this feature

into non-full-screen mode ?

(1.2) If no, this is no full-weight feature, isn't it?

CM>   h1 { page-break-before: always }

CM>   #f { page-break-before: ignore }

CM> (the second line is to avoid a blank page before the first h1 by giving it

CM> id="f") and then you get a new page with every h1.

I tested in version 9.10, these two strings don't work.

CM> I use it regularly for presentations.

Agreed, it's suitable for presentation.

But not for full-functional client to control site -

i point to Delphi/CBuilder once again.

CM> I have written a page

CM> like this about every two weeks for the last few years. So do other people.

I will use too (seriously),

but this way doesn't reduce problem of site management -

both for inTRAnet and inTERnet.

So there is no alternative for




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          <pbody>  <input> </pbody>







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Dmitry Turin

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Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2007 04:32:27 UTC