Re[3]: <meta name=register>, Browser as passive tool

Julian, maybe we prolong discussion !?

>>> If document has this META

>>> <head>

>>>  <meta name=register content=785>

>>> </head>

>>> let browser send to the following to server

>>> <formdata>

>>>   <meta name=register content=785>

>>> </formdata>

>>> at once after loading document.

JR>> Do you have a concrete proposal how to do that over HTTP?

DT>   We have __no requirement of compatibility__,

DT> so why it should be necessarily

DT> (1)   80-th port on browser side for 'messages of server by its initiative' ?

DT> (2.1) exactly HTTP ?

DT>    (for example, i'd like to prefer XML instead of HTTP.

DT>    Besides my taste, this has consequences, going far:

DT>    if we accept XML for backward messages,

DT>    then there is hope,

DT>    that we shall be able to replace HTTP by XML for forward messages

DT>    - for messages, which we use now).

DT> (2.2) current HTTP without extension ?

DT> P.S.

DT>   Apparently browser's window should send indentified of itself

DT> with <meta name=register content=785>.

Dmitry Turin

HTML6     (6.4.0)

SQL4      (4.2.0)

Unicode2  (2.0.1)

Computer2 (2.0.3)

Received on Monday, 27 August 2007 04:29:33 UTC