- From: Репейный Вадим <html60@narod.ru>
- Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 08:16:33 +0400
- To: public-html@w3.org
DT> <table name="A" action="./script.cgi" portion="50" visual="20"> DT> </table> DT> DT> <a a1="v1_1" a2="v1_2" a3="v1_3" > DT> <a a1="v2_1" a2="v2_2" a3="v2_3" > Properties of table cells can be equal to not only constant (as in CSS now), but also to values of seribute (SEnding attRIBUTE) (it's necessary to specify name of seribute, anticipated by sign "§", as value of property). table { color: black; font: normal; } a.a3 { color: §a4; font: §a5; } I propose to enter new property 'header' for each column. a.a3 { header: "column header"; } Summary of details is in http://html60.chat.ru/site/html60/en/author/looker_eng.htm#alphabet (whole project is public domain) === I propose to append property 'presentation' with values 'alphabet, pie, decart, polar'. Element table is displayed as chart, if its property 'presentation' != 'alphabet'. Browser requests all rows of table at once to draft chart, value of @portion is ignored. table { presentation: decart; } <formdata> <_ name="A" cmd="TableDown" arg="all"> </formdata> Different charts use different quantity of columns of data, and columns of data have different destination. Relation between __destination__ of seribute and name of seribute is specified in CSS, sign "§" is put before seribute name. table { presentation: decart; x: §a1; y: §a2; } Properties of chart can be equal to not only constant (as in CSS now), but also to values of seribute (it's necessary to specify name of seribute, anticipated by sign "§", as value of property). table { point-type: §a4; point-color: §a5; } DT> <table name="M" action="./scriptM.cgi" portion="50" visual="20" id="id1"> DT> </table> DT> <table name="S" action="./scriptS.cgi" portion="40" visual="10" master="id1"> DT> </table> Subordinate table requests all rows at once, value of its attribute 'portion' is ignored. <formdata> <_ name="S" cmd="TableDown" arg="all"> <m m1="v15_1" m2="v15_2" m3="v15_3"> </formdata> DT> <table name="A" action="./script.cgi" portion="50" visual="20"> DT> <select name="B" action="./script2.cgi" portion="40" visual="10">a2</select> DT> </table> Element <select> is desplayed, if user press right mouse key on node of broken line or on segment of "pie". --- Chart 'pie' has only destination 'f1', charts 'decart, polar' has destinations 'x, y, z, r, f1, f2, f3, f'. If distination 'z' is specified, then chart is 3D; if distination 'z' is not specified, then chart is 2D. If distination 'y' is not specified, then sequence of natural numbers (beginning from 1) is use instead it, and chart is 2D. If at least one of distinations 'f1, f2, f3' is specified (vector field is displayed), than geometrical figures in nodes of chart are arrows, direction and length of arrows are equal to vector [f1, f2, f3]; properties 'point-type, point-height, point-width' (which are used to display scalar field) are ignored. 2 2 2 1/2 Distination 'f', equal (f1 + f2 + f3 ) , can be used only as selector; 2 2 2 1/2 distination 'r', equal (x + y + z ) , can be used only as selector. a [r > 5] { point-color: red; } a [f > 3] { point-color: green; } Properties of charts covers of majority of properties and attributes of element <line> http://html60.chat.ru/site/html60/en/author/vml_eng.htm (but height and width of geometrical figure can be informatical, therefore height and width are specified separately), but chart has own unique properties of group 'plumb' and 'veneer'. Plumbs are vertical lines from each node of decart chart to axix 'X' (in 2D-case) or plane 'X,Y' (in 3D-case), or from each node of polar chart to center of chart (in 2D- and 3D-cases). Veneers are planes between plumbs (in 2D- and 3D-cases). List of properties of <table action= >: point-type; point-color, section-color, plumb-color, veneer-color; section-type, plumb-type; point-height, point-width, section-width, plumb-width; point-note, section-note, plumb-note, veneer-note; section-begin, section-end; point-title, section-title, plumb-title, veneer-title; align, spline, grid, grid4cursor; x-logarithmic, y-logarithmic, z-logarithmic; x-label, y-label, z-label Summary of details is in http://html60.chat.ru/site/html60/en/author/looker_eng.htm#chart (whole project is public domain) === Creating of several graph on one chart has no analogue in alphabet representation. For example, 'japanese candles' is combination of three 2D decart graph: first has color of plumb, different from background; second has no plumb; and third has color of plumb, equal to color of background. Each graph is assigned by <tbody> (thus there are several such tags inside table). All distinations and properties, mentioned above, can be specified both for <table>, and for <tbody>. <table several="stacked"> <tbody> <a a1= a2= a3= > <a a1= a2= a3= > <a a1= a2= a3= > </tbody> <tbody> <b b1= b2= b3= > <b b1= b2= b3= > <b b1= b2= b3= > </tbody> <tbody> <c c1= c2= c3= > <c c1= c2= c3= > <c c1= c2= c3= > </tbody> </table> Whether several graph can cross each other, and if they can, then how they should be placed, is specified by property 'several' of <table>: (1) value 'stacked' means, that plumb of each next graph is above plumb of previous graph (2) value 'side2side' means, that plumb of each next graph is a little right than plumb of previous graph (3) value 'frontal' means, that plumb of each next graph is on plumb of previous graph (4) value 'behind' means, that plumb of each next graph is under and a little right than plumb of previous graph Dmitry Turin HTML6 (6.4.0) http://html60.chat.ru SQL4 (4.2.0) http://sql40.chat.ru Unicode2 (2.0.1) http://unicode2.chat.ru Computer2 (2.0.3) http://computer20.chat.ru
Received on Monday, 27 August 2007 04:20:01 UTC