Re: unconference agenda for HTML WG meeting 8-9 Nov?

On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 20:59 +0000, Ian Hickson wrote:
> >     8. face-to-face meeting 8-9 November
> >        See [31]announcement. [32]registration closes 19 October. Hotel
> >        discount rate expires 3 October.
> >        Aside: [33]March 2007 call-for interest results, [34]article on
> >        ftf meetings.
> Could I suggest that we try to run this meeting in an unconference style? 

I believe you just did. ;-)

I think you suggested it before. I don't have any direct experience
with the unconference style, but I hear enough good stuff about
it that I'm seriously considering it. I'm interested to hear
from other WG participants.

> That is, we should try to get several dozen participants to attend 
> (possibly by having the various companies in the group fund some people to 
> attend) and then we should all introduce each other and then split up into 
> small groups of 10 people or less and discuss whatever topic we feel is 
> interesting for an hour, and we repeat that for the two days of the 
> meeting.

The logistics look a bit challenging...

> This would require that we ask the W3C for several smaller rooms 
> instead of just the one room (or maybe we can meet in the corridors and in 
> the lobbies, it might attract other people and get them involved, which 
> would be great).

I'll try to ask somebody who knows the meeting space better what
the realistic possibilities are.

> I think this would be the most productive way to get to know each other 
> better, and it would really help with brainstorming.
> If this is not accepted as an agenda, then I'd like to request that we 
> have a complete agenda by the first of September so that (a) we can decide 
> whether it is worth attending before the hotel rate expires and (b) any 
> companies who are interested in funding independent participants have 
> plenty of time to decide who would be most useful given the agenda and to 
> arrange the funding for these people.

This funding stuff looks complicated, but I'm game if you are.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2007 22:29:48 UTC