Re: ID Characters (was: Re: 3.4. Global attributes)

On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 17:18:42 +0200, Robert Burns <> wrote:
> "The value must be unique in the subtree within which the element finds  
> itself and must contain at least one character."
> I'm not sure I understand what this means, but it sounds to me like @id  
> attributes need only be unique within a particular node (or within a  
> depth traversal of a node)?

It would be good if subtree were defined. I think it is meant (besides  
document uniqueness) to also cover cases like DocumentFragment, etc.

> "This specification doesn't preclude an element having multiple IDs, if  
> other mechanisms (e.g. DOM Core methods) can set an element's ID in a  
> way that doesn't conflict with the id attribute."
> Again, I don't really understand what this paragraph is saying. Is this  
> multiple attributes with different names all taking a value of type ID?

It is about multiple _attributes_ of type ID. For instance:

   <div id="foo" xml:id="bar">

(Although it seems that implementations are leaning towards not supporting  
multiple attributes of type ID at all for performance reasons. (See the  
Gecko bug on xml:id for more information.))

> Also, what are the use-cases this is trying to address. Why would we  
> need to have multiple @id attributes on the same element?

It's there to clarify that the specification does not forbid xml:id if I  
remember correctly.

> I don't think this really is related to DTD or RelaxNG or XSD, etc.  
> However, I look at the HTML4 recommendation and the XML 1 recommendation  
> and we do not appear to fit in with respect to ID. That doesn't sound  
> like a good thing (in terms of document conformance).

That's because the HTML4 and XML attributes of type ID are based on DTDs,  
as Henri explained. We're not constrained by that.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 15:33:02 UTC