Re: missing principle

On 4/28/07 3:43 AM, "" <> wrote:

> I don't have anything against email per se. I was trying to make the point
> that if  changes were made to HTML to make it less useful on the Web and
> more useful as email that would not necessarily be sensible.
> For example, it would probably be easier for email if separate CSS
> stylesheets did not exist but that is not a good reason for abandoning
> them.

Are we or are we not supposed to be looking into the tons of ideas already
written by whatwg?
If adopted, will allow for "Zero or more style elements, followed by zero or
more block-level elements." basically, document 'section' within the main
<body> with their own isolated css <style> that can only affect the content
within that section. Thus solving the html e-mail styling issue once and for
all (especially in regards to webmail).

..Or is this one of the ideas that didn't make the cut... Or am I the only
one reading through the whatwg draft?

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Received on Monday, 30 April 2007 20:01:27 UTC