Re: Versioning and html[5]

Doug Schepers schrieb:
>> Ultimately I think we'll have to deal with switching mechanisms 
>> though. Mozilla currently only has two major (and one "minor") modes 
>> and hopefully we'll be able to stick to that for a long time to come.
>> But I think we should assume that more modes might happen in the 
>> future, so it would be good if the spec had some way of dealing with 
>> this.

But you realize that Microsoft wants to introduce a new mode for each of 
the coming IE releases? (And they want to release often.)

>> That said, I really like the <!DOCTYPE html> "doctype" since it's very 
>> short and easy to remember. So I'd probably lean towards adding a 
>> version attribute to the html element.
> As would I.  I suspect I missed the part of this discussion where <html 
> version="5.0"> was roundly dismissed as completely unworkable... could 
> someone please enlighten me why that's a problem?

I didn't participate in the discussions at the WHATWG, but I assume that 
most reasons to avoid versioning apply to the root element as well as 
the doctype.


Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2007 22:11:16 UTC