Re: Formal definition of HTML5 (was Re: Version information)

On Apr 17, 2007, at 20:32, Dão Gottwald wrote:

> So the WHATWG draft is indeed incompatible with what user agents do  
> today, and HTML4 content isn't necessarily compatible with the  
> WHATWG draft, right?

You are confusing the shapes of conforming document trees with what  
document tree shapes the HTML5 parsing algorithm can produce.

The spec prose that allows direct tr children of table says that it  
is conforming to have a DOM like that (either by parsing XHTML5 or by  
scripting). The parsing part of the spec reveals that you can never  
get a tree like that by parsing text/html.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2007 21:01:48 UTC