Re: legacy of incompetence? [was: a compromise to the versioning debate]

Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo wrote:
> I think that one of the problems with IE7 was that while fixing bugs
> MS did also fix most (I'm not sure if most or all) of the CSS
> selectors hacks, so the problem web authors had was that they couldn't
> easily provide code just to IE7 to workaround the remaining bugs in an
> easy way that didn't mean putting Conditional comments in the HTML
> page instead of putting the fix right with the rest of the CSS code.

If you use conditional comments correctly, it is perfectly feasible to 
target IE7 only.  The problem was the widespread use of undocumented, 
unsupported and unguaranteed *hacks* rather than the well documented and 
supported conditional comments.


Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2007 19:13:30 UTC