Re: Proposal to Adopt HTML5

deres wrote:
>> - that the W3C HTML Working Group adops the WHAT Working Group's  
>> HTML5 as the starting point for further HTML development
> I don't think that is good idea. I think WHAT Working Group's HTML5
> should be [audited] and only some [parts] of it [should] be put to
> W3C draft.

   I don't think people are implying that the WHATWG specifications
shouldn't be audited. I think the idea is that it would be faster to
start with WHATWG content and audit _out_ the parts that don't make
sense to the HTML WG rather than starting with next to nothing and
having each little piece of each WHATWG spec audited _in_.

   (In theory, we could start with HTML 4.01, but as others have stated,
HTML 4.01 is extremely vague and ambiguous, and a nightmare to
implement. It may still be a valuable source to draw upon in some
situations, though.)

>> - that Ian Hickson is named as editor for the W3C's HTML 5  
>> specification, to preserve continuity with the existing WHATWG effort
> why not someone new? Someone who didn't engage in "old" HTML5.

   Assuming we use the WHATWG work as a starting point, we'll need Ian
as editor if we want to avoid a long delay while another editor comes up
to speed. Ian will be maintaining a superset of the specification
anyways in the WHATWG, so having another editor would result in
duplicated effort. It doesn't hurt that Ian has a rather impressive
resume either.

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2007 01:32:17 UTC