Re: Proposal to Adopt HTML5

I agree,
it makes all sense to me. =O)


> Dear HTML Working Group,
> HTML5, comprising the Web Apps 1.0 and Web Forms 2.0 specifications,
> is the product of many years of collaborative effort. It specifies
> existing HTML4 markup and APIs with much clearer conformance criteria
> for both implementations and documents. It specifies many useful
> additions, in many cases drawing on features that have existed in
> browser-based implementations for a long time. And it actively draws
> on feedback from implementors and content authors. Therefore, we the
> undersigned propose the following:
> - that the W3C HTML Working Group adops the WHAT Working Group's
> HTML5 as the starting point for further HTML development
> - that the W3C's next-generation HTML specification is officially
> named "HTML 5"
> - that Ian Hickson is named as editor for the W3C's HTML 5
> specification, to preserve continuity with the existing WHATWG effort
> If HTML5 is adopted as a starting point, the contents of the document
> would still be up for review and revision, but we would start with
> the existing text. A suitable next step might be a high-level review
> of functionality added and removed relative to HTML4.01, followed by
> focused discussion and review of individual topic areas, including
> both content already in the spec and proposed new features.
> Discussions should be guided by common principles along the lines of
> <>
> If the group is agreeable to these proposals, Apple, Mozilla and
> Opera will agree to arrange a non-exclusive copyright assignment to
> the W3 Consortium for HTML5 specifications.
> L. David Baron, Mozilla Foundation
> Lars Erik Bolstad, Opera Software ASA
> Brendan Eich, Mozilla Foundation
> Dave Hyatt, Apple Inc.
> HÃ¥kon Wium Lie, Opera Software ASA
> Maciej Stachowiak, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2007 23:11:42 UTC