RE: DRM Today-based test case for EME

> I will be working on the other tests on and off early next week. If anyone else is able to help, please coordinate with me.

I am moving this discussion [1] to<> so that we touch as many HME WG members as possible.

Mark and others:  Please use this thread for any future updates on the status of EME testing.



From: Mark Watson []
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 5:25 PM
To: Paul Cotton <>
Cc: Jerry Smith (WPT) <>; Greg Rutz <>; David Dorwin <>; Matthew Wolenetz <> ( <>; Philippe Le Hegaret ( <>; Francois Daoust <>;; Iraj Sodagar <>; John Simmons <>; Sukhmal Kommidi <>
Subject: Re: DRM Today-based test case for EME


I migrated a handful of the Google tests:

Currently, the "drm-events" test fails because the DRM server is unaware of the key id that is used (and I am unaware of the key id that it does know). I'm working with Greg on this.

I noticed the following whilst doing this work:

  *   We probably need to organize the content metadata (key ids, keys, MIME types etc.) into one place - presently they are scattered around in a confusing way
  *   The idea of auto-generating the HTML stubs needs some more thought - they are presently a bit different for each test
  *   Some of the Google tests look (to me at least) like they might be Chrome-specific. Specifically, the lifetime tests use window.internals and I am not sure if this is cross-platform. Likewise, I do not know if the garbage collection stuff is cross-platform or not.
  *   We need some additional mp4 content files (I am in touch with Greg about this):

     *   Encrypted audio
     *   Video with multiple keys
I will be working on the other tests on and off early next week. If anyone else is able to help, please coordinate with me.

Sukhmal is working on persistent-usage-record and persistent-license tests, which should be ready next week.


Received on Monday, 25 July 2016 18:22:15 UTC