from November 2014 by subject

[Bug 27239] New: Update SourceBuffer.appendStream() and related algorithms to use ReadableByteStream.

[Bug 27240] New: Fix TrackDefaultList constructor to throw an exception on any duplicate (type, byteStreamTrackID) pair

[Bug 27241] New: Fix step 1 of the TrackDefault constructor.

[Bug 27242] New: Clarify how track buffer ranges are updated.

[Bug 27249] New: Correct the “All or Nothing” Approach Currently Implemented For HTMLMediaElement / MSE

[Bug 27268] New: Add a definition of a distinctive identifier

[Bug 27269] New: Normatively require distinctive identifiers to be different by top-level and EME-using origin

[Bug 27270] New: Normatively require distinctive identifiers to be forgettable/regeneratable

[Bug 27271] New: Normatively require https for all ancestor origins when requiring https at all

[Bug 27272] New: Normatively require distinctive identifiers to be encrypted on the Key System level when EME is not being restricted to secure origins only

[Bug 27283] New: InvalidAccessError usage is questionable; use TypeError instead?

[Bug 27296] New: [MSE] HTMLMediaElement.seekable when duration equals Infinity but buffered is empty

[Bug 27318] New: [MSE] Fix the link to length attribute in TrackBufferList array operator spec

[Bug 27342] New: Clarify if the source buffer is still valid when appendBuffer/appendStream meets 'decode' error

[Bug 27352] New: [MSE] TrackDefault constructor should throw a TypeError for invalid kinds

[Bug 27353] New: [MSE] Convert exceptions from xxx_ERR to xxxError form and fix broken links

[EME] API changes: requestMediaKeySystemAccess() and MediaKeyStatuses

[EME] PSA: The EME spec is now on GitHub:

[From Web Crypto to TAG] About Secure Origin

[MSE] PSA: The MSE spec is now on GitHub

ACTION-67: Discuss bug 24082 with adrian re - resolution

ACTION-68: Arrange meeting with sergey for bug 27055

ACTION-69: Provide an answer on bug 26573

ACTION-70: Work with mikesmith to move the media repos from dvcs/hg to github.

ACTION-71: Investigate testing status to move things forward

Editors email list

Media TF teleconference is cancelled on Tue Nov 18

Media TF teleconference is cancelled on Tue Nov 4

More input from UA implementers needed on Bug 24874

Netflix, MSE, and EME

Transition Announcement: Mixed Content to Last Call Working Draft

{agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2014-08-12 - EME status and bug discussion

{agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2014-11-11 - EME status and bug discussion

{minutes} HTML WG F2F, TPAC, Santa Clara, CA 2014-10-30 and 2014-10-31

{minutes} HTML WG media telecon 2014-11-11 EME status and bugs discussion

Last message date: Wednesday, 26 November 2014 21:38:26 UTC