Re: Formal Objection to Working Group Decision to publish Encrypted Media Extensions specification as a First Public Working Draft (FPWD)

On 5/30/13 9:34 PM, Kornel LesiƄski wrote:
> On Fri, 31 May 2013 01:45:11 +0100, Mark Watson <>
> wrote:
>> it would be Microsoft Silverlight, which doesn't work on many
>> platforms anyway.
> I don't see why CDMs would be any less problematic in this area.

This is the key issue for me, indeed.  It seems like CDMs as currently 
proposed would simply serve to officially bless the current state of 
affairs.  While there is potential for them to not be in the situation 
that current binary plug-ins are in, I see no pressure for them to be so 
that does not already exist for said binary plug-ins.

And in fact, the lack of a defined API for the browser to talk to the 
CDM makes them somewhat worse than current binary plug-ins for interop, 
because they are likely to be strongly tied to a particular browser and 
the APIs they have negotiated with it.

These are concrete issues with CDMs as currently proposed that I believe 
we should be addressing.  These are also issues that have been brought 
up on this list before, so I'm not sure why I'm bothering again...


Received on Friday, 31 May 2013 01:55:15 UTC