from January 2009 by subject

[Bug 5909] Need a solution for replaceable properties

[Bug 6339] Define how to deal with onload, ononline, and other document/window-level events

[Bug 6349] New: Rewrite the entire script processing model again

[Bug 6349] Rewrite the entire script processing model again

[Bug 6350] New: Port examples from WF2 to HTML5

[Bug 6351] New: Add event handler attributes for all events defined in HTML5

[Bug 6352] New: Port acknowledgements from WF2 to HTML5

[Bug 6353] New: play() and pause() don't throw

[Bug 6353] play() and pause() don't throw

[Bug 6356] New: 00:99:00 is a valid time string

[Bug 6357] <script> start tag parsing

[Bug 6357] New: <script> start tag parsing

[Bug 6370] New: Float exponent part unclear about length of sequence

[Bug 6389] New: Avoid double parse error on EOF in DOCTYPE state

[Bug 6390] Add a note about reaching after head state and the fragment mode

[Bug 6390] New: Add a note about reaching after head state and the fragment mode

[Bug 6423] New: Names of confidence flag states inconsistent

[Bug 6434] New: plugins inside fallback content shouldn't be instantiated

[Bug 6434] plugins inside fallback content shouldn't be instantiated

[Bug 6437] New: document.location should update when the browsing context is navigated without the Document changing

[Bug 6438] New: Error in step 9.4 of the internal algorithm for scanning and assigning header cells

[Bug 6439] <area> should stringify href (like <a>)

[Bug 6439] New: <area> should stringify href (like <a>)

[Bug 6440] New: To which elements applies the formatBlock command?

[Bug 6440] To which elements applies the formatBlock command?

[Bug 6457] New: registerContentHandler() and sniffing

[Bug 6457] registerContentHandler() and sniffing

[Bug 6460] Handle onerror feedback for Workers

[Bug 6460] New: Handle onerror feedback for Workers

[Bug 6461] New: Fix the definition of "Origin" for Documents from javascript: URLs

[Bug 6462] New: Self-reference and cyclic references in headers=''

[Bug 6464] New: Support meta refresh with quotes

[Bug 6464] Support meta refresh with quotes

[Bug 6474] New: Event handler DOM attributes on HTMLDocument

[Bug 6475] New: Missing event handler attributes

[Bug 6476] New: cross-origin media element loads and progress events

[Bug 6477] New: HTMLInputElement.width and height

[Bug 6490] New: Event handler attributes should ignore event's interface

[Bug 6491] New: <textarea wrap=off> not supported

[Bug 6493] New: Use encoding of POSTing document for POST response if meta prescan fails

[Bug 6493] Use encoding of POSTing document for POST response if meta prescan fails

[Bug 6494] New: Make the requiredness about alt more obvious

[Bug 6496] New: Allow <img aria-labelledby> to act as a caption

[Bug 6497] New: Examples using title="" with line breaks

[Bug 6501] New: should obsolete elements be omitted from h:tml draft?

[Bug 6501] should obsolete elements be omitted from h:tml draft?

[Bug 6502] New: should the canvas element be omitted from h:tml draft?

[Bug 6502] should the canvas element be omitted from h:tml draft?

[Bug 6503] New: to what degree should formalisms be used (if at all) in the h:tml draft?

[Bug 6504] New: description of what target attribute represents should not use term "browsing context"

[Bug 6505] New: should h:tml draft describe for authors how relative URLs are resolved?

[Bug 6506] New: should h:tml draft include descriptions of element-specific APIs?

[Bug 6507] New: Paragraphs section doesn't list all transparent elements

[Bug 6508] New: XHTML doctype without system identifier

Last message date: Saturday, 31 January 2009 20:55:32 UTC