Re: Feedback on MediaController

I am not sure about the terminology of name, kind, label, type, etc.

As far as I can see, we have

* the media type: video, audio, text, metadata (undisplayed temporal data), maybe one or two others
* the container type: MP4, WebM, etc.
* the coding type: VP8, H.264, Vorbis, etc.
* the function, purpose, role, etc. (currently called 'kind'): main, sign-language, dubbed, alternate, supplementary, commentary, 
* label: some kind of user-displayable label for the track, maybe, but this gets into internationalization issues (in how many languages do I supply the label string?)

MIME covers the first two, and with a codecs parameter, the first three.  I absolutely need the 4th (role) in order to match up what a user wants with what's being offered.  The 5th, I am not sure...

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2011 01:05:25 UTC