Re: GRDDL spec doesn't handle <link rel="transformation and something else">

At 11:25 AM 3/2/2007 -0600, Dan Connolly wrote:

>I just realized, via an RDFa discussion, that the HTML
>rel attribute takes a list of values.
>The GRDDL rules assume one.
>Given an XHTML family document with XPath root node N, if N has metdata
>profile name, then for each a and
>link descendant element E whose rel attribute has value transformation,
>the resource identified by the absolute form of the href attribute with
>respect to the base IRI of E is a GRDDL transformation of N.
>  --

I did not read that as saying "whose rel attribute has the value 
but rather, "whose rel attribute has among its values 'transformation'"

Probably worth making a note to correct that sentence if/when we get to do 
another edit.

Received on Friday, 2 March 2007 20:07:23 UTC