Re: GRDDL spec doesn't handle <link rel="transformation and something else">

I was reading it as being precisely "transformation".

However, it is a bugfix to the spec. Requires some change to 
implementations (at least to mine).

A substantive change (whether deletion, inclusion, or other 
modification) is one where someone could reasonably expect that making 
the change would invalidate an individual's review or implementation 
experience. Other changes (e.g., clarifications, bug fixes, editorial 
repairs, and minor error corrections) are minor changes.

My judgement is that this is a minor change; and so (if i remember the 
process correctly) would not require second last call.
Getting a test into place very soon would help last call reviewers to be 
aware of this issue.


PS That wasn't why I was asking for "" in the HTTP Headers bit; but it 
does make sense of it.

Murray Maloney wrote:
> At 11:25 AM 3/2/2007 -0600, Dan Connolly wrote:
>> I just realized, via an RDFa discussion, that the HTML
>> rel attribute takes a list of values.
>> The GRDDL rules assume one.
>> [[
>> Given an XHTML family document with XPath root node N, if N has metdata
>> profile name, then for each a and
>> link descendant element E whose rel attribute has value transformation,
>> the resource identified by the absolute form of the href attribute with
>> respect to the base IRI of E is a GRDDL transformation of N.
>> ]]
>>  --
> I did not read that as saying "whose rel attribute has the value 
> 'transformation'"
> but rather, "whose rel attribute has among its values 'transformation'"
> Probably worth making a note to correct that sentence if/when we get to 
> do another edit.

Received on Monday, 5 March 2007 10:55:35 UTC