- From: Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 11:57:38 +0000
- To: Public GLD WG <public-gld-wg@w3.org>
Bernadette, Boris, Ghislain, I'm reading through the BP doc and making notes as I go. I know you;re working on it actively so I'm not making edits just yet but I hereby offer to go through the doc and give it native-speaker polish when you're ready. Meanwhile I note... 'How to find vocabularies' is where I think LOV should be rather than under 'Where to find existing vocabularies in datasets.' It's a catalogue of vocabularies, not of datasets that use them. You may consider mentioning the EC's Joinup platform as a place to find vocabularies too (https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/catalogue/repository) Under 'URIs for properties with non-literal ranges' you have What it means: Name all properties as verb senses, so that triples may be actually read; e.g., hasProperty . As an alternative, I offer: Naming or properties and relationships What it means: Name all properties that define a relationship between classes as verbs, e.g. hasProperty. Simple properties that take a literal value should be nouns. Remove any and all "this section is (non) normative" labels since the doc is a Note (and therefore it's all non-normative). Under multilingual vocabs I notice this recommendation: As a set of rdfs:label in which the language has been restricted (@en, @fr...). Currently, this is the most commonly used approach. It is also a best practice to always include an rdfs:label for which the language tag in not indicated. This term corresponds to the "default"language of the vocabulary This is an area where we're not following our own advice. For the DCAT turtle file I didn't include a default set of labels although I was tempted to. The consensus seemed to support this (see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2013Sep/0006.html). BUT... if the MLW group tells us that we should include default labels (i.e. ones with no language tags) then I'll add them. Under URI Design Principles you have "A URI structure will not contain anything that could change" which ends by linking to the Web Arch doc on URI Opacity ... and then you have a section on URI opacity. I'd say one or the other. You may also consider referring to some work I and others did on this for the EC (http://philarcher.org/diary/2013/uripersistence/ - I promise it's stable but if you want to refer to the original PDF then of course you may at http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/D7.1.3%20-%20Study%20on%20persistent%20URIs_0.pdf) I suggest you don't refer to Http-range-14 by name in the last paragraph of that section. I would, however, explain what the TAG is. The procurement checklist is very US-centric ('federal-wide') is the give away ;-) But the thing that's missing from the list is use of open standards. I would add: * Does the software use open standards for data exchange? * Is the service replaceable with a competing service with a minimum of disruption? (i.e. avoid vendor lock-in). That's all folks. HTH Phil. -- Phil Archer W3C eGovernment http://philarcher.org +44 (0)7887 767755 @philarcher1
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