Re: Shall People die?

On 27 Sep 2012, at 14:02, Phil Archer wrote:
> PROPOSAL 1: That the namespace document (only) for the ISA Person Core vocabulary be published at as agreed with the EC (the version at needs a bit more work but it's more or less done).

Again, I believe that you can do this without needing to go through GLD-WG.

> PROPOSAL 2: The GLD WG considers in its current shape, that is, the FPWD from 05 April 2012 not fit for purpose (modulo the UCR section). Whilst demand on the group's resources exceeds capacity, as a temporary measure, the WG recommends the relevant terms to describe people from and to address the UCR.

Is there a word missing from the last sentence? "... from and to ..."

> PROPOSAL 3: That the WG resolves to return to the issue when either group capacity increases or once the major work on its other deliverables has been completed. Such work MAY lead to proposals being put forward to the consortium.


> PROPOSAL 4: That these decisions are reflected in a blog post and, more importantly, in a new version of Terms for describing people that differs from the current one only in the Status section.

+1 regarding the new version of "Terms for describing people". I'm not quite sure what the blog post would say;  can you summarize the points it would make?


Received on Thursday, 27 September 2012 16:50:40 UTC