Re: Please recommend interesting 4-5 star Linked Data Sets

On 2012-05-18 18:06, Bernadette Hyland wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm putting together a talk for the upcoming SemTech conference in San
> Francisco on behalf of the GLD WG and the status of publishing open
> government data sets worldwide. I hope this is a no brainer.
> Can you please respond with a data set name(s), a 1-2 sentence
> description & ideally a URL of any *4 or 5 star Linked Data sets* that
> you know about, can brag about because you're doing it, or think would
> be of interest to others.
> We hope to be announcing the availability of the environmental datasets
> our team worked on during the last 12 mos. FYI, we're in the security
> planning process with EPA and hope to have some good news to share in
> the coming months.
> Step by step we are all getting there. Hopefully the working group &
> those lurking on this list are demonstrating the value of these data
> sets within verticals & sub-domains with which we work.
> I ask for your assistance with some profile raising so that more
> managers will feel comfortable that there is a thriving ecosystem of
> data publishers & consumers. That will produce the virtuous circle
> needed to expand the Web of Data. TIA.
> Have a nice weekend!
> Cheers,
> Bernadette Hyland, co-chair
> W3C Government Linked Data Working Group
> Charter:

Hi Bernadette,

I've worked on World Bank Linked Data [1] which uses the Data Cube and 
VoID vocabularies. The dataset is composed of World Development 
Indicators, World Bank Finances, World Bank Climate Change, World Bank 
Projects and Operations data.

Please bear in mind that this effort is neither endorsed or collaborated 
with The World Bank Group.

With respect to environmental data, all of the datasets contain 
something on the subject, and interlinked wherever possible. For 
instance, there are links between financial loans for a project and the 
corresponding information for that project. There is interlinking with 
external datasets like DBpedia for countries and currencies, and with 
Eurostat for countries.

It contains a dose of provenance data; all of the datasets (down to each 
observation) can be tracked back to the retrieved sources, licensed 
using CC0, defining sources, collection and update dates, and the creator.

There are example resources and queries on the home page [1]. The VoID 
file [2] also contains some of that as well as in depth statistics about 
the datasets. Started a public document to keep track of some 
interesting queries at [5].

Please also see the about page [3] for further information. And, some 
preliminary visualizations at [4].

Hope this helps. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try to answer.



Received on Saturday, 19 May 2012 18:53:54 UTC