Agree Richard. I hope that we someday see open government data from Libya. Let's pave the path with best practices, useful vocabs, sensible persistent URL strategies and light.
As that happens, a non-profit with .org is probably most likely to get traction for useful government vocabularies ... but I'm not expert in these things.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who believe in sharing the wealth, however that is defined.
On Nov 22, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> On 22 Nov 2011, at 19:12, Bernadette Hyland wrote:
>>> Perversely perhaps, it seems that a vocabulary hosted on, or might face more resistance to uptake than or, especially if it spelled out a nice word like (which appears to be available btw).
>> Are you kidding?? ly = Libya. Anyone who approves that for government use should have their badge taken away. Seriously?!
> Unless they work for the Libyan government of course. They have other things to worry about right now, but at some point why shouldn't there be some GLD coming out of or ?
> Best,
> Richard
> (who lived through a revolution as a kid and hence believes that anything is possible)
> (but acknowledges resulting persistence issues for .dd domains)