Re: Missing DCAT property


I think a great way to make progress here is to document various scenarios that we'd like to describe in dcat.

Here some fictional examples:

“There's an XML file called itf2007.xml inside a Zip file The Zip file is downloadable from There is a web page with documentation and a link to the zip file at”


“There's a RESTful web service to the ITF database. The homepage of the database is The API documentation is at All API calls start with…”


“The ITF database is available for download as a number of Excel spreadsheets, one per month. They are available as”, where YYYY is the year (e.g., 2007) and MMMM is the month (e.g., “january”). There's a web page with a table that lists all the downloadable files at”

Once we have a collection of such scenarios, we can figure out and document how to express them all in dcat. This could also form the basis of a “cookbook” for using dcat to model real-world data access scenarios; and should perhaps become part of the use cases document too.

Maybe you could make a start by writing up the scenarios that motivated you to add the access type concepts? Perhaps start with an email to the list; I imagine that the editors can find a place where to put this on the wiki.

All the best,

On 8 Dec 2011, at 08:12, Martin Alvarez-Espinar wrote:

> Hello Phil,
> Good work on the Working Draft [1]! (also Fadi and John, of course). I
> totally agree with this early version, but I would like to point out
> the need of an additional property for the dcat:Distribution class. It
> would be used to indicate if the access to data refereed by
> dcat:accessURL is either 'direct' or 'indirect'. We discussed it time
> ago, but we didn't modify the draft on the wiki.
> Some examples:
> -> Direct: accessURL points to a WebService, RSS, XLS, or XML, which
> offers the distribution directly.
> -> Indirect: accessURL points to a REST WebService or API
> documentation (how to use it, parameters, etc) | an XML zipped
> We have solved this issue using the property dcterms:type and a couple
> of concepts (indirect-access, direct-access) to set type of each
> distribution.
> [] a dcat:Distribution ;
>   dcat:accessURL "http://.../file.xml"^^xsd:anyURI ;
>   dcterms:type <> ;
>   ...
> [] a dcat:Distribution ;
>   dcat:accessURL "http://.../"^^xsd:anyURI ;
>   dcterms:type <> ;
>   ...
> I would like to give a hand enriching the draft if you need it. Maybe
> we should provide more implementation examples for each property
> (resources, taxonomies, etc.).
> Best regards,
> Martin
> [1]
> -- 
> Martin Alvarez Espinar
> W3C Spain Office Manager        tel.:+34 984390616

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2011 16:21:47 UTC