- From: <fd@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2020 07:03:59 +0000
- To: public-games@w3.org
- Cc: "Noel Meudec" <noelm@fb.com>, "'Tom Greenaway'" <tomgreenaway@google.com>
Dear participants of the Games Community Group, TL;DR ----- This is a call for consensus to: 1. Bring the Games Community Group back to life! 2. Adopt the Community Group charter at https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/games-cg-2020.html 3. Nominate Noël Meudec (Facebook Instant Games) and Tom Greenaway (Google) as co-chairs of the Games Community Group. Please voice support or raise potential concerns, preferably in response to this email (but feel free to get in touch with me), by the end of July 24th 2020. Silence is considered consent. Longer version ----- W3C organized a workshop on Web games last year. The workshop report [1] highlighted needs and candidate technologies deemed useful to develop games on the web. The workshop also revealed that it would be useful to continue tracking and exploration of web technologies for games development. Noël Meudec (Facebook Instant Games) and Tom Greenaway (Google), both in Cc, indicated that they would be happy to help drive this tracking and exploration work in a Community Group. As such I would like to propose that the Games Community Group comes back to life and resumes discussing web technologies as it did some years ago, with Noël and Tom as chairs. Both Noël and Tom have hands-on expertise in Web games, and associated technical and business challenges. Tom was at the workshop where he organized a session on discoverability and monetization [2], leading to a recent proposal to extend schema.org properties for Web games [3]. Noël has been working with Chris Hawkins, who reported on Facebook's experience with Instant Games at the workshop [4]. I'll let them introduce themselves further :) The Games Community Group has been around since the inception of the Community Group program. Many Community Groups have been created since then and successful ones now tend to adopt a charter to specify scope, process and participation rules. This makes it easier for companies to join and participate. I propose that this group adopts a charter as well, and prepared a draft charter accordingly [5]. The scope is the same as the scope that appears in the description of the group [6]. The rest is mostly boilerplate text common to most groups. Among other things, this text clarifies that there will not be any Essential Claims under the W3C Contributor License Agreement or Final Specification Agreement, which should help companies to join and participate. Practically speaking, the group would document needs, track useful technologies and remaining gaps, and steer standardization efforts to address them. Goal is to use the Web Gaming Platform discussion forum that Noël put in place for this [7]. On top of asynchronous discussions, the group could organize a series of calls to invite presentations on a particular topic or discuss solutions live. Is it worth it? I believe so! There have been many updates in relevant Web technologies since the workshop and the status update I wrote back in November 2019 [7] is already partially outdated given recent updates to WebTransport, WebGPU, Web Monetization, etc. Tracking updates and gathering game developers inputs on web technologies is key to ensuring that these technologies support the right features for games. How does that sound? Please either express support or raise potential concerns, preferably in response to this email, by the end of July 24th 2020. Thanks, Francois W3C Media & Entertainment Champion [1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-games/2019Mar/0001.html [2] https://www.w3.org/2018/12/games-workshop/report.html#discoverability [3] https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/2565 [4] https://www.w3.org/2018/12/games-workshop/report.html#context [5] https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/games-cg-2020.html [6] https://www.w3.org/community/games/ |7] https://www.html5gamedevs.com/forum/40-web-gaming-platform/ [8] https://www.w3.org/blog/2019/11/status-update-on-web-games-technologies/
Received on Thursday, 9 July 2020 07:04:03 UTC