from April 2010 by subject

[News][Usage] eb-Forms

[xml-dev] [ANN] Schematron news

Agenda for 2010-04-07

Agenda for 2010-04-13

Agenda for 2010-04-21

Agenda for 2010-04-28

Could we put the node creation functions back on the agenda for XForms 1.2?

Dependencies for XPath evaluation

Draft minutes for 2010-04-07

Draft minutes for 2010-04-21

Draft minutes for 2010-04-28

Fwd: Replacement web IRC client

Meeting at TPAC in Lyons

Missing action items for resolutions

New XPath extension function called xslt(), versus XSLT as an action

Regarding import of external content, some info on our "Form Parts" feature

Regrets for next two telecons

Regrets: ill

Updated list of action items as of 2010-04-12.

Updated list of action items as of 2010-04-15.

Why are xsd:duration and xforms:duration not supported/defined?

XCG Call summary (Lyons, XML Model Note, XLink 1.1, XProc PR)

Last message date: Thursday, 29 April 2010 09:54:43 UTC