[News][Usage] eb-Forms
[xml-dev] [ANN] Schematron news
Agenda for 2010-04-07
Agenda for 2010-04-13
Agenda for 2010-04-21
Agenda for 2010-04-28
Could we put the node creation functions back on the agenda for XForms 1.2?
Dependencies for XPath evaluation
Draft minutes for 2010-04-07
Draft minutes for 2010-04-21
Draft minutes for 2010-04-28
Fwd: Replacement web IRC client
Meeting at TPAC in Lyons
Missing action items for resolutions
New XPath extension function called xslt(), versus XSLT as an action
- Nick Van den Bleeken (Monday, 26 April)
- alain.couthures@agencexml.com (Monday, 26 April)
- Philip Fennell (Monday, 26 April)
- Nick Van den Bleeken (Monday, 26 April)
- Nick Van den Bleeken (Monday, 26 April)
- Philip Fennell (Monday, 26 April)
- COUTHURES Alain (Friday, 23 April)
- John Boyer (Friday, 23 April)
- COUTHURES Alain (Friday, 23 April)
- John Boyer (Friday, 23 April)
Regarding import of external content, some info on our "Form Parts" feature
Regrets for next two telecons
Regrets: ill
Updated list of action items as of 2010-04-12.
Updated list of action items as of 2010-04-15.
Why are xsd:duration and xforms:duration not supported/defined?
XCG Call summary (Lyons, XML Model Note, XLink 1.1, XProc PR)
Last message date: Thursday, 29 April 2010 09:54:43 UTC