Re: Test Suite

On 10 May 2012 20:46, Innovimax SARL wrote:

> Of course, if there is other test case available somewhere else,
> please tell us

  I have some tests for Servlex [1], but there are no other
implementations (but Servlex passes them all :-p).  I also have tests
for the HTTP Client [2].  The idea is that there is a Java EE webapp
to be run in Tomcat (whether an implem is in Java or not is not
relevant here, and it is anyway deployed on  The
server checks the requests sent by the client (and return ok or ko)
and also serves some specific responses to check the response handling
of the client.  Some XSpec suites combine all of them (there is one
suite that adapted all the HTTP Client test from the XProc test suite
as well).

  For instance, one of the tests describes sending a POST request,
with text/plain, encoded as UTF-8, with content "Hello, world!".  If
the request is ok, the server sends back "<success/>" and the XSpec
test suite has an assertion for that.  If not, it returns some kind of
error (with the detail, as you can see if you send a GET request to
this same URI, by using your navigator on [3]).

  If anyone is interested in running those, please ask me if this is
not clear as it is... (how running the tests is not properly


Florent Georges


Received on Thursday, 10 May 2012 20:20:50 UTC