AW: substitute for skos:isSubjectOf

Hi Dan,

you asked about using rev= instead of rel= in RDFa notation. That's possible, of cause, and since I have a tech preview of the application online now (eg., I built it experimentally with a custom property, stw:indexes (as a subproperty of rdfs:seeAlso) and the embedded RDFa relations

	rel="stw:indexes rdfs:seeAlso" 

to link from the concept to the search result set of the library system. 

Browsers behave differently on this (Marbles and Tabulator display an "is subject of" line, Zitgist does not), so tool support may or may not be given.

However, what seems more important to me: As Antoine pointed out earlier in this conversation, any subject/isSubjectOf relation is highly asymetric. Semantic web browsers are awfully slow already. They would be much more so if they had to display all reverse relations to "dc:subject" in a big library holdings (let alone from the web in total). I'm quite sure that the display of inverse relations will be optional in future versions of such tools.

Therefore I think it makes sense to use a property which expresses the desired relation directly.

Cheers, Joachim

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Dan Brickley [] 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009 17:53
> An: Neubert Joachim
> Cc:
> Betreff: Re: substitute for skos:isSubjectOf
> On 22/1/09 15:56, Neubert Joachim wrote:
> > The SKOS Primer recommends using dc:subject for indexing 
> purposes. For 
> > the inverse relation - this concept "is subject of" or 
> "indexes" that 
> > resource - it gives no recommendation. The discussion about 
> indexing 
> > properties in SKOS (commendably summarized in
> > 
> also paid no 
> > attention to the now vanished skos:isSubjectOf.
> > But it's definitively missing. My use case is this:
> > On the upcoming RDFa-enriched web pages for the Standard Thesaurus 
> > Economics (maintained by the German National Library of Economics, 
> > ZBW),
> (nice work btw :)
> > we will include links to library resources. This links trigger a 
> > search for the concept at hand in the subject index of the 
> library database - e.g.
> > 
> > et 
> > 
> <
> > ket> searches for the concept 
> > with the prefLabel "Black market" and returns a result page with 
> > further links to books, articles and so on (not RDFa-enriched up to 
> > now, but this could change).
> Can you use rev= instead of rel= in RDFa notation?
> cheers,
> Dan
> --

Received on Friday, 6 February 2009 12:17:26 UTC