RE: translations for new properties

Hi Alistair and All,

Portuguese translation of new properties:

<rdf:Property rdf:ID="note">
  <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">note</rdfs:label>
  <rdfs:label xml:lang="pt">nota</rdfs:label>
  <skos:definition xml:lang="en">A general note, for any
  <skos:definition xml:lang="pt">Uma nota geral, para qualquer
  <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">This property may be used directly, or as a
super-property for more specific note types.</rdfs:comment>
  <rdfs:comment xml:lang="pt">Essa propriedade pode ser usada diretamente,
ou como super propriedade para tipos de notas mais

<rdf:Property rdf:ID="symbol">
  <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">symbolic label</rdfs:label>
  <rdfs:label xml:lang="pt">rótulo simbólico</rdfs:label>
  <skos:definition xml:lang="en">An image that is a symbolic label for the
  <skos:definition xml:lang="pt">Uma imagem que é um rótulo simbólico para
o recurso. </skos:definition>
  <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">This property is roughly analagous to
rdfs:label, but for labelling resources with images that have gettable
representations, rather than RDF literals.</rdfs:comment>
  <rdfs:comment xml:lang="pt">Essa propriedde é condicionamente semelhante
ao  rdfs:label, mas para rotular recursos com imagens que tem
representações acessíveis, de preferência literais RDF.</rdfs:comment>


                      "Miles, AJ                                                                             
                      \(Alistair\)"              To:       <>, "Bernard Vatant"    
                      <         <>, "Mark van Assem"             
                      >                           <>, "Thomas Bandholtz" <>
                      Sent by:                   cc:       <>                          
                      public-esw-thes-req        Subject:  RE: translations for new properties               
                      06/10/2005 11:19                                                                       

Hi Tiago, Bernard, Mark, Thomas,

Can I ask you to translate the following labels, definitions and comments
into your native languages:

<rdf:Property rdf:ID="note">
  <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">note</rdfs:label>
  <skos:definition xml:lang="en">A general note, for any
  <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">This property may be used directly, or as a
super-property for more specific note types.</rdfs:comment>

<rdf:Property rdf:ID="symbol">
  <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">symbolic label</rdfs:label>
  <skos:definition xml:lang="en">An image that is a symbolic label for the
  <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">This property is roughly analagous to
rdfs:label, but for labelling resources with images that have gettable
representations, rather than RDF literals.</rdfs:comment>

Thanks alot,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 02 September 2005 14:56
> To:
> Cc: Miles, AJ (Alistair)
> Subject: Portuguese translation
> Hi all,
> My contribution...
> (See attached file: core_pt)
> Tiago Murakami
> Esta mensagem e uma correspondencia reservada. Se voce a
> recebeu por engano, por favor desconsidere-a.
> O sistema de mensagens da Internet nao e considerado seguro
> ou livre de erros. Esta instituicao nao se
> responsabiliza por opinioes ou declaracoes veiculadas atraves
> de e-mails.

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O sistema de mensagens da Internet nao e considerado seguro ou livre de erros. Esta instituicao nao se
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Received on Thursday, 6 October 2005 17:56:52 UTC