Re: EPUB Accessibility: Discovery of the Writing Direction (DRAFT 1.0)

Maybe already answered but a few comments to questions from Jens:

2020年12月5日(土) 6:08 Jens Tröger <>:

> And how does the `dir` global attribute fit in:

`dir` and `writing-mode` are similar to determine text flow, but are
different in that:

   1. The `dir` is semantic for bidirectional languages, hence it is
   defined in HTML. There is no, for example, Arabic in LTR.
   2. Vertical text flow is a stylish choice. A content can be styled
   either in horizontal or vertical. Hence it is defined in CSS.

And isn’t the writing direction implied by the language attribute (assuming
> metadata & content is marked correctly):

As above, the default `dir` can be computed from `lang`, but `writing-mode`
is up to authors.

Received on Saturday, 5 December 2020 11:29:22 UTC