EPUB3 CG: Save the Date (June 1, 16UTC), Call for Agenda Items

Hi Everyone,

The next teleconference for the EPUB 3 Community Group will be Thursday,
June 1, at 1600 UTC.

We would welcome suggestions for agenda items. Two ideas:

[1] Education: getting the task force up and running, and finding one or
more volunteers to lead the effort.

[2] Rendering: I've started sketching out some thoughts on full bleed
images in EPUB on the wiki: https://github.com/w3c/publ-cg/wiki/Rendering.
We'd love to see more ideas, use cases, examples, and especially feedback
from reading systems.

What topics would you like to discuss?

We'll send out the phone/webex info once we have a draft agenda.


Dave Cramer

Received on Tuesday, 23 May 2017 20:51:41 UTC