Executive summary outdated

Dear all,

I've been scraping the IG's website/wiki for information (since I'll be introducing the IG tomorrow at the Dutch Semantic Web Meetup on Linking Open Dutch Data), and noticed that the Executive Summary linked from the front page of the wiki is outdated (it still refers to the old charter).


I will report other outdated information as I come across it.



Dr Rinke Hoekstra

AI Department         |   Leibniz Center for Law    
Faculty of Sciences   |   Faculty of Law            
Vrije Universiteit    |   Universiteit van Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1081a    |   Kloveniersburgwal 48      
1081 HV Amsterdam     |   1012 CX  Amsterdam        
+31-(0)20-5987752     |   +31-(0)20-5253497         
hoekstra@few.vu.nl    |   hoekstra@uva.nl           

Homepage: http://www.few.vu.nl/~hoekstra

Received on Thursday, 11 February 2010 09:44:45 UTC