Re: Executive summary outdated

Right. Any volunteers to updated it? ETF? :)

-- Jose

El 11/02/2010, a las 10:44, Rinke Hoekstra escribió:

> Dear all,
> I've been scraping the IG's website/wiki for information (since I'll  
> be introducing the IG tomorrow at the Dutch Semantic Web Meetup on  
> Linking Open Dutch Data), and noticed that the Executive Summary  
> linked from the front page of the wiki is outdated (it still refers  
> to the old charter).
> I will report other outdated information as I come across it.
> Best,
> Rinke
> ---
> Dr Rinke Hoekstra
> AI Department         |   Leibniz Center for Law
> Faculty of Sciences   |   Faculty of Law
> Vrije Universiteit    |   Universiteit van Amsterdam
> De Boelelaan 1081a    |   Kloveniersburgwal 48
> 1081 HV Amsterdam     |   1012 CX  Amsterdam
> +31-(0)20-5987752     |   +31-(0)20-5253497
>    |
> Homepage:

Received on Monday, 22 February 2010 16:45:28 UTC