[LDDemo] Fri 2/12 telecon

LDDemo Project Members,

There will be a LDDemo team call tomorrow, Fri 2/12 from 9-10am EST (-0500
UTC). I personally won't be able to make the call, as I'll be traveling
(weather permitting!). Cory Casanave has agreed to coordinate this call,
using the same W3C teleconferencing resources as always.

Last week, we agreed that we'd move our recurring Fri calls to 8am EST
instead of 9am, however Cory had a conflict for 2/12 only, and Michael
agreed to rework his schedule for 2/12 only. I hope this still works for you
all, and apologize for my poor follow-up this week. Beginning Fri 2/19,
please feel free to move to 8am as previously planned and agreed by all.
Cory, I hope you can then continue to coordinate the calls through 3/5,
although I'll be participating as much as possible.

Please see new overall IG Project page below, which links to our project
page that I will (hopefully) work on before the 2/12 call - but if not I
will continue to update over the course of the next week, and encourage you
all to do so as well. Please link to new pages liberally from our project
page (and perhaps 'watch' that if you like), and I'd suggest using the
discussion tab on each new (article) page as a forum for that topic.

I hope the LDDemo Project team will continue to work through the demo
scenario that reached initial consensus last week ('performance management'
is a more generalized idea of 'cost justification') and discuss more details
around existing relevant datasets, their relationship to existing or needed
vocabularies, resources (servers and apps/platforms) the team can or wants
to leverage for this demo, and finally lightweight techniques and tools for
processing/persisting/visualizing (which we seem to already be particularly
strong on :).

I can be reached via (202) 556-3468 (Google Voice) and this email address
while I'm traveling - I just won't be able to take/return phone calls very
easily except via Skype (user george.thomas.name).

Thanks and Regards,



Received on Thursday, 11 February 2010 13:14:57 UTC