Re: revised Projects page

Sorry all

Web Tech won't be meeting later today at this point - we'll kick off at
the next scheduled time instead.

My agency is before Senate Estimates this week, (thats like Oversights?)
and its a Parlimentary sitting week - lots of Questions on Notice. I must
confess that this had completely slipped my mind, as I have been flat out
supplying website statistics to the agency. Thought we'd be moving ahead
as of next group Telecon.

I will be setting up our Project page this week, and will advise - we
should be able to get some thoughts on paper or in the discussion space
before the first meeting.



> I updated the projects page:
> Everything is subject to change; these are just my best guesses to get
> people started.
> Coordinators, please send out e-mail to the list 24+ hours in advance of
> the meeting, at least telling people it's happening.  I understand
> things in Washington are pretty crazy this week, and the DataMgmt group
> did not meet earlier today.  I'm not sure if WebTech is meeting later
> today or not.
> Telephone and IRC information is the same as for IG meetings:
> Lots more work to do to get the Wiki comfortable, but this is a step.
>        -- Sandro

Received on Wednesday, 10 February 2010 22:16:53 UTC