Re: Suggestion for Introduction

Thanks for the suggestion. Keep them coming. I think you are close to  
be actioned though ;)

Instead of opening a new issue for this one, I'd say it relates to  
ISSUE-24 and ISSUE-10. I believe the executive summary, maybe half or  
one page, would be also a good addition. Could be we are talking about  
the same thing here?

-- Jose

El 18/04/2009, a las 18:58, Sharron Rush escribió:
> Hello editors,
> In going through the wiki, I find a Pending Use Case around Plain  
> Language.  That was the point I tried to make in my first message -  
> I think we need to model that.  Rachel, can I support you in that  
> work in any way?
> But as a start, here is a suggestion for the Introduction.  I am a  
> strong advocate for introductory text that simply lays the  
> foundation and lets readers know what to expect.  I believe that we  
> may want to include one short paragraph (an example is suggested  
> below, but please feel free to reject or rewrite) and move all the  
> other explanatory text into the Background section.
> _Introduction:_
> The mission of the e-Government Interest group is to provide a forum  
> and leadership around the issue of how to improve access to  
> government through better use of the Web and to achieve better  
> government transparency using open Web standards.  We have pursued  
> the mission in year 1 by setting these goals for the group:
> 1.      Explore the benefits and challenges for both citizens and  
> their governments of establishing effective, transparent and  
> inclusive two-way electronic communication and participatory systems  
> of governing.
> 2.      Define the critical links that are needed between standards  
> bodies and government entities to help citizens and governments meet  
> the challenges and realize the benefits.
> 3.      Develop a flexible list of concerns and deliverables to help  
> build cooperative relationships that lead to productive next steps.
> To meet these goals, the group worked within three Task Forces:  
> Usage of Web Standards, Transparency and Participation, and Seamless  
> Integration of Data.  The following document describes our findings.
>, what do you think?  If there is another avenue that you would  
> rather I use for suggestions of this kind, please let me know.  And  
> thanks for considering!
> Best,
> Sharron

Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 11:04:07 UTC