Re: Government and "web basics"

El 13/10/2008, a las 20:07, Trond Arne Undheim escribió:
> The sites themselves (which naturally evolve from year to year) have  
> never been published, but why not ask the Commission to do so,  
> stating public interest, re-use, and transparency? The person to  
> contact would be

Will do so and report back if I get it. Thanks Trond.

> Trond
> <oracle_sig_logo.gif>
> Trond Arne Undheim | Director Standards Strategy and Policy EMEA
> Phone: +44.207.816.7952 | Mobile: +44.782.730.8841
> Oracle Corporate Architecture Group
> One South Place | London | EC2M 2RB | United Kingdom
> ORACLE Corporation UK Ltd is a company incorporated in England &  
> Wales | Company Reg. No. 1782505 | Reg. office: Oracle Parkway,  
> Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1RA
> Jose M. Alonso wrote:
>> Hi Trond,
>> El 03/10/2008, a las 11:48, Trond Arne Undheim escribió:
>>> While I do agree that there is a lot to be done to improve e- 
>>> government benchmarking it is not the case that all current  
>>> efforts only use national websites in their monitoring. The EU,  
>>> for instance, has always used a sample of websites at all levels  
>>> of government, vetted through a national contact point who had the  
>>> chance to suggest alternative ones. Please see my blog entry:
>>> which links to an article I co-authored recently, called  
>>> Benchmarking eGovernment: tools, theory, and practice, see:
>> I'm very interesting in getting that list and ran a set of tests  
>> against those sites. Is it publicly available?
>> Best,
>> Jose.
>>> Trond

Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 20:40:10 UTC