Draft agenda for 15/10/2008 and Use Cases

Outline Agenda for IG Meeting 15/10/2008

1. Introductions and appoint a scribe

2. Basic IRC recap and a quick play (5 minutes – Jose to lead)

3. Preparing for the face to face

4. Use Case framework

5. Candidate Use Cases


"Straw Man" Use Case framework (posted to encourage debate)

We are aiming for everyone in the working group to pick and write up a use case in one of the areas in the framework over the next week, from the conference call to the face to face. 

Some areas are more important than others, for example delivering public services using the web, so would potentially bear more than one draft use case.

I have divided Use Cases into the “provide, engage, enable” modalities for government on the web.

* Provide: public services on the web, either transactional or information services
* Engage: with citizens and businesses, on government terms or on the citizens terms
* Enable: public sector information re-use

These roughly approximate to the task force areas of interest: Usage of Web Standards, Transparency and Participation, Seamless Integration of Data. The related task force areas are given for each candidate use case. These necessarily overlap, but ideally each use case should focus primarily on one task force area of interest.

Is this too simplistic, or about right?


Candidate Use Cases

Provide: Using the web to deliver public services

1. Transactional services (simple), involving communication between citizen and one agency of government e.g. completing a tax return.
Relates to task force areas: Usage of Web Standards (e.g. Mobile, Accessibility, Security)

2. Transactional services (complex), involving back office integration by three or more agencies (public or private), e.g. renewing vehicle tax disc, involving data sharing between government, insurance companies and garages.
Relates to task force areas: Seamless Integration of Data, Usage of Web Standards (e.g. Policy – especially privacy and consent, Accessibility, Security, Semantic Web).

3. Information services (simple), involving the provision of basic information to the citizen in ways they can more easily interpret, e.g. interactive crime maps (as opposed to presenting tables of figures)
Relates to task force areas: Usage of Web Standards, Transparency and Participation

4. Information services (complex), providing a persistent, 'citable', authoritative source of information, e.g. legislation on the web, or long term availability of web only official publications
Relates to task force areas: Usage of Web Standards (e.g. Web Architecture), Transparency and Participation

Engage: Using the web to interact with citizens and businesses

1. Government to citizen – e.g. blogs by ministers and officials, or, publishing consultation documents as wikis or with a “comment on this” facilities.
Relates to task force area: Transparency and Participation

2. Intervening in citizen to citizen dialogues – e.g. interacting with  (non government / 3rd sector) online communities e.g. providing advice and support to parents via an online parents forum.
Relates to task force area: Transparency and Participation

Enable: Using the web as a platform to deliver data for re-use

1. Structuring data using standards (e.g. setting out strategic objectives in XML – the use case developed by Owen)
Relates to task force areas: Seamless Integration of Data, Transparency and Participation

2. Making structured data re-usable (e.g. building an API)
Relates to task force areas: Web Standards (Web Services), Seamless Integration of Data

3. Making semi-structured data re-usable (e.g. “your website is your API”, publishing statutory notices or job advertisements using RDFa and/or GRDDL)
Relates to task force areas: Web Standards (Semantic Web), Seamless Integration of Data

4. Licensing the re-use of government data (e.g. rights expression and indication of third party rights)
Relates to task force areas: Web Standards (Policy, Semantic Web), Seamless Integration of Data


Does this cover the ground? What's missing?

Please feel free to shoot this down!


John Sheridan 

Head of e-Services
Office of Public Sector Information
5th Floor
102 Petty France

Tel: 0203 334 2785 
Fax: 0208 487 1983

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