Re: Government and "web basics"

The sites themselves (which naturally evolve from year to year) have 
never been published, but why not ask the Commission to do so, stating 
public interest, re-use, and transparency? The person to contact would 


Trond Arne Undheim | Director Standards Strategy and Policy EMEA
Phone: +44.207.816.7952 | Mobile: +44.782.730.8841
Oracle Corporate Architecture Group
One South Place | London | EC2M 2RB | United Kingdom

ORACLE Corporation UK Ltd is a company incorporated in England & Wales | 
Company Reg. No. 1782505 | Reg. office: Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley 
Park, Reading RG6 1RA

Jose M. Alonso wrote:
> Hi Trond,
> El 03/10/2008, a las 11:48, Trond Arne Undheim escribió:
>> While I do agree that there is a lot to be done to improve 
>> e-government benchmarking it is not the case that all current efforts 
>> only use national websites in their monitoring. The EU, for instance, 
>> has always used a sample of websites at all levels of government, 
>> vetted through a national contact point who had the chance to suggest 
>> alternative ones. Please see my blog entry:  
>> which links to an article I co-authored recently, called Benchmarking 
>> eGovernment: tools, theory, and practice, see: 
> I'm very interesting in getting that list and ran a set of tests 
> against those sites. Is it publicly available?
> Best,
> Jose.
>> Trond

Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 20:19:11 UTC