Alex Nelson via GitHub
Andrea Perego
Andrea Perego via GitHub
Anna Odgaard Ingram via GitHub
Annette Greiner
Caroline Burle
Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton)
init AG via GitHub
Karen Coyle via GitHub
makxdekkers via GitHub
Philippe Le Hegaret
Riccardo Albertoni via GitHub
- Re: [dxwg] DCAT removing inverse properties from Vocabulary Specification (#1410) (Monday, 18 October)
- [dxwg] Example 54: use of dcterms:references (#1416) (Monday, 18 October)
- Re: [dxwg] DCAT removing inverse properties from Vocabulary Specification (#1410) (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Re: [dxwg] DCAT removing inverse properties from Vocabulary Specification (#1410) (Wednesday, 13 October)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat issue 1414 (Wednesday, 13 October)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat issue 1414 (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Closed: [dxwg] why is dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters part of Class Dataset and Class Distribution? (#1404) (Friday, 8 October)
- Re: [dxwg] why is dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters part of Class Dataset and Class Distribution? (#1404) (Friday, 8 October)
- Re: [dxwg] why is dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters part of Class Dataset and Class Distribution? (#1404) (Friday, 8 October)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT changes in view of 3rd WD (Friday, 1 October)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT changes in view of 3rd WD (Friday, 1 October)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT removing inverse properties from Vocabulary Specification (Friday, 1 October)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT removing inverse properties from Vocabulary Specification (Friday, 1 October)
Sabine Maennel via GitHub
Simon Cox via GitHub
Tom Kralidis via GitHub
xetyp via GitHub
Last message date: Sunday, 31 October 2021 18:41:46 UTC