On 07/11/2018 13:55, Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) wrote:
> Hi all,
> The namespace proposed for the Profiles Ontology by Dave Raggett as
> likely easy for the W3C to manage is:
> https://www.w3.org/ns/dx/prof/
> The /dx/ indicates this WG. Please note this is a slash URI, as
> opposed to a hash URI, to allow for sub-namespaces, should they be needed.
> I recommend we adopt this namespace.
> The short codes informally in use for the profile documents are:
> prof-guide – Profile Guidance
> conneg-by-ap – Content Negotiation by Profile
> prof-ont – Profiles Ontology
So, what is the proposal 'prof' (as in the namespace above) or
'prof-ont' as here?
> prof-ietf – IETF draft (used in references only, not in doc names)
> I recommend changing the conneg-by-ap to prof-conneg for “prof-”
> consistency, and the rest staying as they are.
+1 to changing conneg-by-ap to prof-conneg
I guess you will also change the folder in github to reflect this, once
these names are decided.
> Please could WG members with any suggestions for these proposals weigh
> in via replies to this email before next week’s plenary meeting?
> Thanks,
> Nick
> *Nicholas Car*
> /Senior Experimental Scientist/
> CSIRO Land & Water
> 41 Boggo Road, Dutton Park, QLD 4102, Australia
> *E*nicholas.car@csiro.au <mailto:nicholas.car@csiro.au> *M* 0477 560
> 177 *P* 07 3833 5632