Re: [dxwg] Profile Composition and Languages

Simon, a number of things. 

1) In terms of considering profileDesc, we aren't there yet. We are still developing our requirements around profiles and conneg and do not have a clear idea of what they will be. That makes it hard to evaluate a solution, which may explain the next point:

2) The profileDesc ontology and diagrams _has been available to the group for months_ and anyone who wishes to look at it is free to do so. The complaint is that no one has engaged with it. That is definitely an option that group members have - to not engage with it until/if it becomes a critical path work item that fulfills needs they have. The proposal has been offered, it has been discussed in messages and at F2F3, and there has not been uptake by the group as a whole. The horse has been led to water ... I have now suggested more than once that documentation would help others understand better what the proposal is. Clearly, what's there isn't grabbing people's attention in the way that the authors desire.

3) There are alternate views that have been expressed for description of profiles, and when we get to that point, we will discuss them as well.

4) W3C process requires transparency to remain a neutral ground for standards development. You yourself have provided a truly exemplary sub-group process transparency in the DCAT group, and we worked to make sure that agendas and minutes would be available on the wiki. I believe we have consensus on that procedure. There are updates being made to profileDesc in github without any visible discussion. That means there isn't much for folks to engage with. Transparency helps give people something to think about; involvement of the group is what brings buy-in.

5) Chairs also must make sure that we stay within our charter and as you know we are trying to locate the description of profiles within our three deliverables, as based on the requirements.

6) If you don't like the process or the decisions of the chairs (and Peter and I have both supported the process we are using, which was begun when Caroline was with us) you can take that to W3C management.  They may have helpful advice for us, and I would welcome that.


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Received on Sunday, 24 June 2018 16:50:09 UTC